Copyright © 2009 SN Taylor, All Rights Reserved
Maleeka loves to help! She helps her mother wash the clothes. She helps her father clean the garage. She helps her older brother drive the lawn mower. She helps her little sister tie her shoes. She helps take care of her kitty, Mumu. Maleeka loves to help.
One day, Maleeka and her family decide to drive all the way to Atlanta, Georgia to visit her grandparents. They pile their luggage into the car. Maleeka helps her mother pack the food basket. She helps her father carry the food basket to the car. To help her brother, she lets her little sister help pack the travel pack full of books, games and activities. She even decides to bring along her kitty, Mumu, so she would not get so lonely while they were away, though she forgot to ask her parents.
Maleeka then helps her father go over their traveling check list: Luggage? Check! Food basket? Check! Pillows and snuggies? Check! Movies and activities? Check! Camera? Check! Full tank of gas? Check! Now where did I put my traveling sun glasses? Silly daddy! its on your head. Check! They are all set to go.
Along the way, they see beautiful things! But daddy can't see because he is driving. Maleeka wants him to remember everything from their trip, so, she decides to take pictures with his camera, though, she forgot to ask him. She sees a cloud that looks like a bunny. Click. She sees a tree that's shaped like an elephant. Click. Her little sister makes a funny face. Click. Maleeka sees so many things from the back seat of the station wagon. Click. Click. "Meow."
"What was that?" daddy asks. "meow, meow." Is that a cat?" her mama asks. "MEOW!" "What is that smell? her brother asks. Daddy pulls over. Mama checks the car. "It's Mumu," her little sister shouts. Mumu pokes her head out of a basket. "What?" yells daddy. "How?" asks mama. Maleeka's brother holds up his jersey, "Gross! Mumu went on my favorite jersey!!" Maleeka sits quietly, her eyes big as golf balls. Everyone looks at Maleeka. "Did you bring her?" her daddy asks. "What were you thinking?" her mother asks. "You are so going to clean this!" her brother says. "She would have been all by herself," Maleeka says meekly, "I didn't want her to be sad and all alone."
Her daddy, sighs and her mama smiles, her brother simply rolls his eyes. "You should have known better Maleeka to bring Mumu with out asking, but since she is here, lets find a box to keep her in." Maleeka helps find a box. Maleeka helps clean the car. Maleeka helps clean her brother's jersey. They are all set to go, again. "Let's take a family picture to remember this." mama suggests. "Good idea," daddy says. "Whatever," her brother growls. "Yay," her little sister claps. "Ummm, " Maleeka says. The batteries in the camera are dead, she forgot to turn off the camera. "Maleeeeekaaaa!"
Copyright © 2009 SN Taylor, All Rights Reserved